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Just Dreaming

During my pregnancies, I have the most vivid and crazy dreams ever. Last night, I dreamed that I found out my mother wasn't actually dead but was in prison instead. I don't know what she did though. So, I confronted my dad to ask him why he lied to me and why he had to be so dramatic about it (meaning going through with a funeral). He said when she committed her crime, she was dead to him and he thought it would be easier for me to just think she was dead instead of knowing the truth. For some reason, he never told me about her crime and I didn't ask. I just kept trying to find out where she was so I could go and visit her.

The even crazier part is that I actually woke up wondering what if my dream is true. I know, I know, let's just blame it on pregnancy and keep it moving.

I had another crazy dream the other day that a celebrity died. It's an old school singer whose death would have a whole lot of folks upset. I won't utter his name though.

Speaking of prisons, I have two young cousins who are in prison. I write them from time to time. It really breaks my heart that they've gone this route, especially because I feel part of the reason for their bad choices stems from others' actions. Let's talk about them, shall we.

The first one we'll call J. He's about 23 and has been in and out of trouble for most of his life. I think it started in elementary school. The thing is, he's always in jail for something really stupid. His first run-in occurred when he decided to call in a bomb threat to his school so he could have the day off. He also called his sister's school too. He had all these policemen in Pensacola searching for bombs and crap. And, he almost got his dad locked up because they thought it was his voice on the phone. Yes, he called from home. Since then, he's gotten in trouble for many more silly things.

My other cousin, T is about 25/26 and received a 5 year term for cocaine possession and assault. He beat up his brother's father-in-law about something that he should have stayed out of and no one would've gotten hurt. The FIL has injuries that will last for the rest of his life. He too has been in and out of trouble as of late but mostly related to drugs. The sad thing is that he didn't do his best in high school but then turned his life around and became a good member of society.

So, what went wrong for these two? Well, J was born addicted to crack. Both of his parents were using when he was conceived and his mom used during the pregnancy. As a result, he's always made stupid decisions. It's like he really can't think rationally or logically. He's a very sweet person who loves hugs and being with family, he just doesn't stupid stuff. T joined the Army to get his life together. He went to Iraq for a year and came back with some serious mental health issues that the army did not treat. He witnessed and took part in some stuff over there that will have your head spinning and he won't even tell us the real heavy stuff because he doesn't want to burden everyone else with the images he replays in is mind. He was also dishonorably discharged so now he can't get any help from his own country. He turned to alcohol and drugs and you see what happened.

I'm not quite sure what these two separate topics have to do with one another but this is what was on my mind today. My aunt has told me since I was a child that I should write a book about my family so I can be rich. They're crazy antics are very entertaining and sad at the same time.


Anonymous said…
You don't eat spicy or crazy foods before you go to sleep do you? Your dreams sound like the ones Cliff Huxtable had when he ate late.
We all have family members that have made bad decisions from time to time that get them in trouble. They are good people just make some wrong decisions.

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