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Just for clarification

In a previous post titled "Danae - The Chef", I wrote:
I've noticed that some expat parents here seem to consider their children a bother and want to get rid of them whenever possible. Sad!

An anonymous commenter wrote:
I always enjoy reading your blog but the part about parents feeling like their kids are a bother is such a negative accusation to make about someone you don't know. There are so many mental and emotional things going on in everyone's life that you may not know about. So maybe those kids having a chance to relax without their parents is a blessing for them.

I appreciate the comment because I know I can be judgmental and opinionated sometimes. However, I do want to clarify something here. I didn't make an accusation with no basis for the statement. I would just like to give quotes from expat mothers that I've met here in the Philippines:
"I've noticed that you spend a lot of time with your children. Nannies are so cheap, why bother."
"I love living here because I don't even have to be bothered with keeping the kids."
"Don't you just love that nannies are so cheap. I don't even see my kids sometimes until late in the evening."
"Oh, I can't believe the nanny couldn't come today. What am I supposed to do with the kids?"
"I could live here forever. I don't have to cook, clean, or even raise my kids."

These are just snippets from conversations I've participated in over the last six months. There are some excellent mothers here so this is not a sweeping generalization. There are also mothers here who live in the same building that I rarely see with their children. I have also taken advantage of having a nanny. It allows me to go to fashion school or go shopping. But, I would never refer to my children as a bother. Yes, they can get on my nerves sometimes but I love them and love spending time with them.


Anonymous said…
Amen sister. I have some examples too, but this is not my blog so I will save it for when we talk.

1969 said…
And why are the negative comments always anonymous? A 1969 pet peeve :)

Just leave your name and state your opinion.
CreoleInDC said…
Personally I don't think you needed to explain yourself. Those of us who are regular readers of your blog know what you meant and know where your heart was when you said it. Anonymous commenters get no love from me...EVER. I just delete and move on. The audacity of someone I don't know thinking I give a rat's patooty what they think is hilarious. They obviously give themselves more importance than I ever, EVER would.

If you don't have anything good to say...shut the heck up and click the x. Humph...AS IF!
*Tanyetta* said…
Wait, it's like that in the Philippines?

Someone to cook, clean, drive and take my kids off my hands for the day?

Say word?

Sign me up :)

::::kidding:::: know people will always have something to say about something. Moving on! ;)

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