My baby has learned her first Bible verse. Well, it's not exactly as it's written in the Bible. In her little sabbath school lesson, they make it easier for her age group. So, the real verse is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:15 and it says, "See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men." In her book, it just says "Be kind to each other." She said it all by herself during our family worship last night. That was so exciting! It took a few tries for her to get it all out. She would get to the word 'to' in the middle and go 3,4,5, because she got confused and thought about the number 2. Anyway, she eventually said it right and we applauded her. I know this is probably not as exciting for most of you but it was the highlight of our night.
Yesterday, I had something to do so the kids went to their old sitter's house for a few hours. We got home later than intended so I knew I would be rushing to prepare dinner, get them bathed, and settled for the night. Here's what really happened. As soon as we entered the house, Brayden started running around saying "Mommy, I have to pee". So we rush into the bathroom and as soon as his pants are unbuttoned, he starts peeing on himself. I clean him up and decide they can play in the tub while I start preparing dinner. As soon as we get to the kitchen, Danica throws up all over me, herself, and the floor. So, I take her to our bathroom and bathe her. Before I can get her pj's buttoned up, Brayden starts screaming "I have to pee!" Because he just went all over the bathroom floor, I'm a little perplexed. I run to their bathroom anyway only to find out he didn't have to pee, he had to poop and had already dropped two bombs in the bathtub where his s...