Today was Danae's first day of school outside our home. She was excited! Dwayne and I were a little anxious. We were sending our daughter out to be cared for, and protected by, other people. But, we are confident that God will protect her and we know we chose a good school for her. She looked too cute in her uniform!
She was the 2nd kid to arrive in her class and I could tell she was a little nervous. I'm sure by the time her friends arrived she was just fine though. Brayden was so excited until we were getting ready to leave. He didn't want to leave his big sister there. Dani didn't care but was sad to leave the playground.
Home school started today as well. I love teaching my kids and Brayden is a dream. He catches on really fast and did well today. He enjoyed the science and math lessons but got bored with the reading and writing. portions. Danica worked on the letter A, her colors, and cutting. She loved the cutting! Oh, and she also enjoyed using the magnifying glass.
I am so extremely sleepy since I woke up at 5 am. Tomorrow I won't have to wake quite as early but this school thing is seriously messing up my morning slumber.
It's bittersweet watching my babies grow up. I'm happy they're smart and energetic and all that. But, I know that this is just the beginning of my journey of letting go. Before I know it, she'll be in high school and driving and then off to college. How have moms done this all these years?!?