Always, in the back of my mind, is the thought that I should blog again. I miss it but I don't miss the feeling that I'm adding something else to my never-ending to-do list. So, I put it off. Then, I thought I'll start on the 1st of the month. But, I didn't. Then, I said I'll start on my 40th birthday. But, that passed. So, I woke up this morning on October 2nd and said I'm gonna blog today.
This morning, I got up and started preparing breakfast for the family. A few minutes later, my husband said to me, "Hey, did you see this latest news story?" I didn't. He showed me. I found out that once again someone decided that human life is not valuable and decided to end the lives of a bunch of strangers. People who just wanted to enjoy themselves. People he didn't know. He decided to forever alter the lives of hundreds of family and friends of those 50+ people.
I thought and decided that I'm gonna blog today. And tomorrow. And the next day. I'm going to carve out a few minutes of my day to let my thoughts out on paper.
I listened to a podcast a few months ago and the person talked about vulnerability and how we are afraid to be truly vulnerable. We like to keep up a facade that makes others think we have everything together. But, we don't. We all have regrets and things we would love to "do over". We made bad decisions, even though we knew at that moment it was a bad decision. We've hurt people we love. We've had moments of dissatisfaction with our lives, even when our life is pretty darn good. So, with my newfound desire to blog again, I plan to include some of that too along with the craziness of my family, the love of God, and the joy that I feel each and every day (even when I have to read about yet another mass murder).
See you tomorrow...
This morning, I got up and started preparing breakfast for the family. A few minutes later, my husband said to me, "Hey, did you see this latest news story?" I didn't. He showed me. I found out that once again someone decided that human life is not valuable and decided to end the lives of a bunch of strangers. People who just wanted to enjoy themselves. People he didn't know. He decided to forever alter the lives of hundreds of family and friends of those 50+ people.
I thought and decided that I'm gonna blog today. And tomorrow. And the next day. I'm going to carve out a few minutes of my day to let my thoughts out on paper.
I listened to a podcast a few months ago and the person talked about vulnerability and how we are afraid to be truly vulnerable. We like to keep up a facade that makes others think we have everything together. But, we don't. We all have regrets and things we would love to "do over". We made bad decisions, even though we knew at that moment it was a bad decision. We've hurt people we love. We've had moments of dissatisfaction with our lives, even when our life is pretty darn good. So, with my newfound desire to blog again, I plan to include some of that too along with the craziness of my family, the love of God, and the joy that I feel each and every day (even when I have to read about yet another mass murder).
See you tomorrow...