Today is Dwayne's 32nd birthday. This post is just to wish him a happy and wonderful birthday. He was only 20 when we met and started dating. Where has the time gone?
I am blessed to have a very wonderful husband. I hope he celebrates many, many more.
I love you, Dwayne.
To Keisha - Happy birthday to you too, girlie! I hope your day is fabulous!!!
I am blessed to have a very wonderful husband. I hope he celebrates many, many more.
I love you, Dwayne.
To Keisha - Happy birthday to you too, girlie! I hope your day is fabulous!!!
And Javares' children are simply ADORABLE. Bridge, you are going to do great. Hey, you do this BLOG. That's keeping in touch to me. I could never do this.
Love you guys and kiss the kids for us.
Happy Birtday and don't let these other ppl fool you 32 is old!!!! But you've accomplished a lot which makes it good.
32 isn't so bad... LOL
So, enjoy your day and everyday because you are blessed to see another one. Also, make sure you keep yourself healthy. You don't want to be old and unhealthy because you would be miserable and want to die. :-)