Last year at this time, we were trying to adjust to life in the Philippines. We were severely plagued with jet lag. We slept all day and stayed up all night for at least a week. We were excited about the opportunity of living in a foreign country. We were still in awe and looking forward to the possibilities.
Right now, I miss living in the Philippines. It was exciting and different and made us see life from a different perspective. It made us value the people we love in the USA. It made us value our country. Even though we complain about our government and so many things here, I still feel that America is a truly great country. We have opportunities others only dream about. Freedoms (for now anyway) that some can't even imagine. I was reading an article the other day about the billions of pounds of food that is wasted yearly in our country. In the Philippines, they were rationing staple food because there just wasn't enough. Children were left to beg on the streets. The elderly and handicapped had to fend for themselves in a country that doesn't provide for their special needs. There aren't nursing homes there or homes for special needs or rehab centers like we have here. If your family can't support you, then you have to just find a way to make it day by day.
Truthfully, I sincerely hope we are given another chance to live abroad. I would go without hesitation unless it's the Middle East or Nigeria. I would go to Dubai though. Really, Dwayne wouldn't even have to discuss it much with me. Just let me know when to pack. I love to travel. Living in Asia allowed us to visit many areas in the Philippines and Hong Kong. We probably would've never gone to those places if we never left.
Dwayne has already informed the higher ups at his job that he wants another expat assignment. Actually, he told them that before we came back to Houston. The only drawback is leaving our family and friends here. We really missed y'all...even the ones we don't see very often.
Every expat woman I met while away told me living in a foreign country is addictive. None of them were itching to get back home. One lady had been an expat so long she felt like she no longer had a home. She was originally from Virgina but had lived in Rome, Cairo, Poland, Manila, and maybe somewhere else. Believe it or not, she said Rome was the worst assignment. Her three children were all born abroad and don't really consider themselves Americans. They're what's called "third culture children". They have no country that truly feels like home. The earth is their home.
Anyway, we are open to whatever God throws our way. If we need to stay here, then so be it. But, if he sees fit for us to hit the friendly skies and get away, we'll see you all later. And, you can all visit.
Right now, I miss living in the Philippines. It was exciting and different and made us see life from a different perspective. It made us value the people we love in the USA. It made us value our country. Even though we complain about our government and so many things here, I still feel that America is a truly great country. We have opportunities others only dream about. Freedoms (for now anyway) that some can't even imagine. I was reading an article the other day about the billions of pounds of food that is wasted yearly in our country. In the Philippines, they were rationing staple food because there just wasn't enough. Children were left to beg on the streets. The elderly and handicapped had to fend for themselves in a country that doesn't provide for their special needs. There aren't nursing homes there or homes for special needs or rehab centers like we have here. If your family can't support you, then you have to just find a way to make it day by day.
Truthfully, I sincerely hope we are given another chance to live abroad. I would go without hesitation unless it's the Middle East or Nigeria. I would go to Dubai though. Really, Dwayne wouldn't even have to discuss it much with me. Just let me know when to pack. I love to travel. Living in Asia allowed us to visit many areas in the Philippines and Hong Kong. We probably would've never gone to those places if we never left.
Dwayne has already informed the higher ups at his job that he wants another expat assignment. Actually, he told them that before we came back to Houston. The only drawback is leaving our family and friends here. We really missed y'all...even the ones we don't see very often.
Every expat woman I met while away told me living in a foreign country is addictive. None of them were itching to get back home. One lady had been an expat so long she felt like she no longer had a home. She was originally from Virgina but had lived in Rome, Cairo, Poland, Manila, and maybe somewhere else. Believe it or not, she said Rome was the worst assignment. Her three children were all born abroad and don't really consider themselves Americans. They're what's called "third culture children". They have no country that truly feels like home. The earth is their home.
Anyway, we are open to whatever God throws our way. If we need to stay here, then so be it. But, if he sees fit for us to hit the friendly skies and get away, we'll see you all later. And, you can all visit.
I say if opportunity presents itself go.