So, I am so glad Monique was kicked off America's Next Top Model. Her attitude was horrible! I love the show but the contestants for this cycle are a little boring to me. I mean the "rock and roll" girl is kinda funny but overall they're just not doing it. And, I'm so tired of seeing J Alexander looking a hot mess. It trips me out that he talks so badly about the girls as if he looks good or even decent. I digress.
On another note, my daughter has me tripping. She is really rough and likes to do dangerous things and play with nasty bugs. But, she's also kinda girly. For instance, she loves to carry a purse and rock her sunglasses and toy cell phone (complete with the cute pink case). This morning, she decided to try to put on my lipgloss. When she couldn't open it, she decided to put vaseline on her lips instead and then proceeded to the mirror to check herself out. What's up with that? She's not even 2 yet!! This has me thinking about our future battles over makeup, clothes, and other beauty issues. How will I handle this? My hubby is going to be super-strict I'm sure so I'll probably be the one to allow some things. But, what do I allow? How do I teach her that true beauty emanates from within? How do I teach her that God made her a natural beauty and all the makeup and other stuff will hide what is already there? How do I decide what's okay and what's not? How do I handle the fact that she will have to deal with peer pressure about this and much more? I know, I know...she will learn more from watching me than listening to me.
Why am I stressing about this now? Who knows!!! I should be enjoying the fact that BOTH kids are down for a nap right now.
As for as Monique. Yeah, she is gone.