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Day at the Park and Birth Control

I'm in a quandary now about birth control. I presently have two babies in diapers and have no desire to add #3 to the mix. But, I also am not ready to make the oh-so-final decision to have my tubes tied. So at my doctor's appointment this morning, the good ole doc wrote a prescription for the Nuva-Ring. He told me all the good stories his other patients have told him about how easy this is and how they've had no problems. I had more than enough problems with the birth control pill. And the thing is I didn't know about the problems until I got off the pill. So, I vowed to never pop another one in my life. My opinion about birth control in general is that it messes with the way God intended for the female body to function. I want to just trust that God will close my womb and I won't get pregnant again. On the other hand, I didn't totally expect to be pregnant just as my daughter was celebrating her first birthday and I really would not handle it well if it happened again so quickly. My husband wouldn't handle it well if it happened again at all. Back to the NuvaRing -- you have to insert this ring in your vagina and leave it there for 3 weeks. Take it out, have a period, and repeat the process with a new ring. Is it just me or does this sound a little crazy? Sticking a foreign object up in there...whatever!

After my appointment, I decided to take the little ones to Bear Creek Park. We had fun looking at the ostriches, donkeys, goats, and other animals. It was so much fun that Danae didn't even want to get on the slides or swing. No sweat off my back! Then the real fun started. We saw another mom and her son (about 2 years old maybe 3). They looked hispanic so she started yelling "HOLA! HOLA!". The little boy looked at her like she was crazy so of course she just yelled it again while walking all up in his personal space. As I pulled her deranged-looking self away his mom told him "Honey she's saying hello in Spanish". He then smiled and spoke to her and then walked over and they looked at the ostriches together. Of course I don't know if they were hispanic but they really did look like it and if they are I need him to know what Hola means. A little more time passed by and I was more than ready to go. As soon as I uttered the words "Let's go" my baby girl proceeded to scream like I was killing her. A little old white lady walked up to us and asked "Is everything okay?" I said "Yes, she just doesn't want to leave yet" and proceeded to walk to my car. Little old white lady followed us at a distance and watched me put this hysterically screaming child in the car. She then said "are you sure she's ok" and then ignored me and asked Danae if she was okay. Umm, keep walking woman because I'm hot and tired and hungry and don't feel like being bothered. That's what I wanted to say but I just said we're fine thanks and looked at her until she went on her way. What was she thinking? That I was abusing her or something? Did you see me lay a hand on her except to pick her up and strap her in the car seat? Did you see any bruises? Well, I guess abusers don't put bruises in noticeable places but still the lady needed to leave me alone.


Anonymous said…
I feel you on the birth control pills. I am not taking it. Of course, we have one more to go so I don't have to worry about birth control at all right now. I think I told you this before. Both of my grandmothers told me not to take them and to leave it in God's hands. In fact, the last one said that after her fifth child, she pleaded to the Lord to not let her have another. She never did.

I believe that God opens and closes wombs. I also think we should use natural ways such as the withdrawal method or wearing a condom. It takes two to make a baby so it should take two to not make them.

Once we get pregnant again and have a second child (if it is God's will), my husband wants me to get my tubes tied. I am not so I suggested he have his stuff clipped. He doesn't want to so we are back to the previous paragraph. It takes two - the natural way or no way.

I want to leave room for God's will. If we have a third child and we did our part, including the begging that we don't have another one, then I am O.K. because I know God will give us all we need to take care of all of our children.

Oh yeah, the old white lady may have thought you were trying to kidnap her.
Anonymous said…
Yep, she acts just like the boys when it is time to leave and everybody then looks at you like "what are you doing to your child?" I know exactly what you are talking about!
Anonymous said…
The last time I checked your name was Bridgette and I see comments from Red and Shaun correct? Girls listen there was only one Sarah and there will never be another one...and no there will be no "snipping" as Red put's it now or never and another thing that withdrawal thing...poor guy. C

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