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What can you do for less than $250 a month...

Okay everyone, say "Hi Miss Lucy". She's sitting by Brayden. Miss Lucy is the kids' yaya (nanny). She's been working for us for a week. She doesn't live with us though. She works from 8 to 5 Monday - Friday and is available other times if needed.

What does she do? Glad you asked. Her primary responsibility is to assist me in caring for the kids. She prepares lunch for all of us and sometimes dinner too. She irons our clothes (including undies) which is Dwayne's favorite thing. Basically she does anything needed around the house. In my opinion, she babies Brayden too much. He is very independent and doesn't really want to be held and protected but she does it anyway. So, he's somewhat annoyed with her most of the time. She's learning to leave him alone though. She's also somewhat of a tour guide for us in this area of Metro Manila. She's introduced us to very nice, and not very crowded, parks. She also clues me in on where to buy the best veggies, fruit, etc.
**Sidenote: We actually live in Makati City, not Manila but it's considered Metro Manila.

Do the kids like her? Yes, actually. She does (and lets them do) whatever they want. I'm trying to change this attribute but Filipinos love small children and tend to seriously spoil them.

How much do we pay her? 9,000 pesos a month. That's just over US$200. Most yaya's are paid roughly 3000-4000 pesos so she's getting paid well. She has worked for other expatriates and comes highly recommended. And, so far she's worth every penny.


Anonymous said…
Nice. I am glad you found the right yaya. I was a little scared about the idea at first. I will continue to pray for you all and her. When I grow up I want to be a stay at home mom with a yaya just like you. :-)
Anonymous said…
moving on up. yeah philipino women are really nice to kids. Our next door neighbor's wife was philippino straight from the phillippines and she used to watch me and lori occasionally. Loads of fun.
yeah i'm getting a yaya when i grow up not sure where i'm moving yet but apparently the advise they're giving female docs who want a family. :( I'd want one if i could be with my kids like u but otherwise not so sure.
MrsYFA said…
I used to work with the nicest Phillipino lady and she too was such a caregiver. She used to make us homemade eggrolls, oh my goodness they were great and she used to always give me plants too, she was a great gardener. This is a really nice blog by the way,
now I have something new to read!
Thanks for stopping by mine!
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you found the right yaya for you and the kids. I guess we won't be able to meet her since you all are leaving before March. But I don't know how I would live on $250 a month.
Anonymous said…
Love the pic. So glad you found a yaya. What will you do when you move? (go back to how it used to be right?) :)

Anonymous said…
A yaya huh. Just make sure she do not look better than you now. Just kidding. That is pretty cool. I guess it is a little too late for me to get one since my youngest is 14. Better enjoy while you can, because when you get back, reality check.

Anonymous said…
Ok! I'm not going to be nice like everyone else and say how glad I am that you found a yaya. I'M HATIN!!! Please sneak one in the country for me - I'll give you a nice finder's fee.

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