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Who Doesn't Like Apples

Even though Dwayne and I have been together for over 12 years, I am still always finding out something new about him. So, imagine how shocked I was when he told me yesterday he doesn't like apples or pears. Seriously, I've never heard of someone not liking apples.

He made a comment about how I put a pear in his lunch bag yesterday. Yes, I pack his lunch for work every single day. I told y'all he's spoiled.

The reason I didn't know about this particular dislike is because he eats food that he doesn't like simply because he knows it's healthy. So, let me run down a list of the things I can think of right now that he doesn't like. Let me know if you think it's a bit weird.

yellow squash

Okay, that's all I can think of off the top of my head. But, he'll actually eat most of these things and just have a nasty face at the end. Weirdo!

I don't like cooked spinach and mango. I love raw spinach in a salad though. Seriously, that's all I can think of.

Can you believe he gets mad when the kids don't like a certain food? I have to remind him that they have his picky genes running all through them. They're not old enough to determine that they will eat it anyway because it's healthy.

So, I have concluded that my husband is crazy. The end.


Anonymous said…
He is not crazy concerning healthy food. I think a lot of people eat things they don't care for because they are healthy. Now, he is crazy for being mad at the children for not liking certain food. He just needs to explain why they should eat it even though they don't like it.

Anonymous said…
That is too funny. I am a very picky eater, but I will happily eat everything on that list (except okra and papaya). I wish I ate things because they were healthy, even though I don't like the taste. That's probably because my mom never forced me to eat certain things. Ever since I was a baby I only ate certain foods. She probably just got tired after a few years. LOL!

bklynq said…
If he doesn't like peaches why does he eat the dump cake?
Anonymous said…
i don't like apples or pears either. I've been told that I'm a fruit snob. I don't eat any common fruit (I don't like banans or organges) but like most exotic fruit except papaya. All of my food issues are texture related though. I have very specific rules about what foods can be eaten together as well. But I wouldn't say I'm picky just selective. I'll try almost anything once and like some very "strange" foods. I however don't believe you have to eat foods u don't like just b/c they're healthy. It's more important to make sure you are eating a variety of foods to provide you with adequate nutrients. A diverse diet will ensure that

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