So, our efforts of downplaying Danae's birthday really went out the window. This just means that we'll have to really go all out for poor Brayden. When I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday, she said she wanted a manicure/pedicure and to get her hair done. Crazy, I know. Anyway, this is what she did.
Her godmother took her to get a mani/pedi last Monday. I wish I could upload the picture from my phone but this is a picture of her actual hands and feet. They won't look very different because she only has clear polish on her hands and cotton candy on her feet (but it looks clear).

On Wednesday (her actual birthday), we went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. It was the best night because it happened to also be their kids night. So, they had a clown and people dressed up like animals and she thought it was all for her.

On Friday, she went to the salon to get her hair styled by Miss Brandye. When we first walked in, she was a little scared. But, she was very pleased with the end result even though she played in it so much that it didn't stay cute for very long.
On Saturday we invited people over for lunch at our house. This was also her request. She was so excited that so many people came over.

She got some nice gifts although I'm very close to hiding that minivan (thanks Keisha) because I'm so tired of hearing her play the little radio. Her dad bought her some roller blades and she's not too bad with them either. Of course, she received other gifts as well. She told me she had a very good birthday and really that's all that matters.
I still can't believe my baby girl is 4.